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Llanilltud Faerdref
Primary School

Rubgy Player 1 Rubgy Player 2

Dosbarth Glas - Mrs Price


Our topics this year are:

Topics this year are:

Autumn Term: Seasonal Changes

                      Animal Parts

Spring Term:   Cardiff Tales

                      Paws, Claws and Whiskers

Summer Term:  Land Ahoy

                      The Enchanted Woodland

School Rules

Be the Best you, you can be!

Be Respectful!


Big Maths tests are completed throughout the week and will be sent home.  Please can you go over the ones they had incorrect with your child.

PE is every Thursday, PE kits can be worn to school. Suitable PE kit is White/black t-shirt and black/grey shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings. 


Book bags are available to purchase at school, these help the pupils to remember their books and are also useful to put letters etc in that are sent home. Please could your child bring in their reading book everyday, their book will be changed at least once a week. Reading records will be kept with reading books, returned and signed when reading takes place at home.